This feedback would partially cancel the increased surface warming due to the cloudiness.
Notice that the cosmological constant is carefully chosen to partially cancel the matter density of the dust.
When light is passed through both negative and in-register positive (in an enlarger for example), the positive partially cancels some of the information in the negative.
This is because the lead vocalist or performer's audio waveform would be attempting to partially cancel itself inside the listener's head, confusing the brain's audio positioning sense.
If 'leisure time' is a superior good the income effect will partially cancel itself out, since people will work less as their hourly pay goes up.
When B becomes large and negative (i.e., the IMF tilts south), it can partially cancel Earth's magnetic field at the point of contact.
This will at least partially cancel the effect of the additional mass that needs to be pushed or stopped.
Since magnetic poles always come in pairs, their forces partially cancel each other because while one pole pulls, the other repels.
Lozanov emphasises that inputs on the two planes should support each other, rather than partially cancel each other out.
The technology is an "anti-noise generator," a computer-driven, 220-watt speaker in the tailpipe of a bus that emits sound waves to partially cancel exhaust noise.