The tops of the mountains are barren, in contrast to the partially wooded sides.
The partially wooded lawn is surrounded by a fence of cast iron.
Animals are housed in natural habitats scattered throughout a partially wooded site, and in buildings.
They made better time then, hiking down a watercourse that skirted the peel's partially wooded hill.
The species has been found in summer and migration in open woodland, forest edge, and partially wooded wetlands or stands of trees along rivers.
Additional outdoor tennis courts, playing fields, and a swimming pool added in 2001 complete the partially wooded campus.
On weekends, they look out at their four partially wooded acres and listen to a rushing creek from their 19th-century farmhouse.
The existing building sits in a partially wooded campuslike setting, formerly owned by the Exxon Corporation.
The area includes an open partially wooded parkland, Risby Park, a farm, and a fishpond.
It was partially wooded country, an occasional bridge, sometimes a twisting lane or minor road - a distant farm - no villages.