While being scanned, participants watched a series of video-clips featuring patients undergoing painful medical treatment.
In this experiment the participants watched the invisible gorilla experiment video.
In one instance, the researchers had participants watch a blindfolded person play an arcade basketball game, and visualize success for the player.
Each participant could watch the uses to which his money was put, share almost at first hand in the thrills and perils of landside living.
The league interviewed all participants from both teams "and watched the tape closely," Stern said.
Three participants enter the dark room, and watch the light.
Internal validity was achieved by controlling the television show the participants watched.
They are adopting a decidedly low-confrontation approach: "We invite every participant to stroll, watch, or even just pretend to pass by.
This event attracts thousands every year either participants or those to watch the spectacle.
In the first training session, the participant would watch a peer that they did not see in the baseline test, who was correctly playing with a toy.