The participatory nature of American citizenship, in all its forms, impressed him deeply.
Mr. Napier hopes to sell as many as 50 shares in "The Waiting Room," an approach that emphasizes the work's participatory nature.
The open, participatory nature of unconferences (e.g., Barcamp) and their focus on sharing content, makes them hybrid events too.
He stresses the participatory nature of training and the need for it to be grounded in teachers' own priorities.
There's that kind of participatory nature to more and more of the events.
The participatory nature of the exhibition was critical to the realization of the piece.
To demonstrate his point about the participatory nature of Vietnamese drama, he asked two actors to stage a famous scene from the repertory of Ceo.
This unification is fully realized in the participatory nature of Christian sacraments, particularly, the Eucharist.
There's a participatory nature to it.
Its participatory nature sets country dancing apart from folk dance forms such as Clogging- which is primarily demonstration dancing.