Electrostatic filters charge the incoming air so that the particles stick to an oppositely charged screen.
Then he swabbed the body down with a sticky powder, which removed a dozen infinitely small particles stuck to the skin.
For instance, let us imagine somewhere in the surrounding space a screen so made that the particle sticks to it on coming into contact with it.
Felix could see the particles of grease stuck in his beard.
Adhesion is the process in which dissimilar particles stick together.
In some basins a flocculant may be added to help smaller particles stick together and form larger particles.
This occurs when particles and gases stick to the ground, plants or other surfaces.
The advantage of a laminar flow is that the particles fall straight down from the spray head and do not stick to the glass wall.
These particles stick to the hot glass surface changing its color with interesting effects.
At cryogenic temperatures, atom-sized particles with strong charges or polar groups will always stick together.