The outer layer was a meteor bumper against which particles of cosmic dust could strike and explode without damage inside.
She altered their course, concerned about the power spikes as particles and waves struck their electrostatic shields.
When a radioactive particle decays and strikes the photo luminescent material a photon is released.
When these particles strike the earth's atmosphere, they produce extensive air showers made of billions of secondary particles.
These little particles strike other atoms of Q which fling out more particles.
As a noun, a particle which has been struck from the surface of a larger object.
What if a stray cosmic particle struck the computer at the wrong moment?
When a charged particle strikes the scintillator, its atoms are excited and photons are emitted.
Visible only as a sudden fine beam of purple Ught, the particles struck the target and vanished.
If a particle strikes the station hard enough to possibly cause a hole, a noise detectable by acoustic sensors will be produced.