Every role is earmarked for a particular actor.
Thirdly, particular actors are rarely, if ever, indispensable to the processes in which they take part.
The characters were written without any particular actors in mind.
Are you going because of the play, because it is popular, because of a particular actor?
Fans often expect a particular actor to play a "type", and roles which deviate from what is expected can be commercial failures.
Distance: The minimum number of ties required to connect two particular actors.
A cutter takes a designer's sketch, and makes a pattern to exactly fit a particular actor's body.
The material is not written with particular actors in mind, he says.
In other words, this is an animated film, and it wasn't made with these particular actors in mind.
Shooting may take just a day or two, and there may be only so many times a company can use a particular actor.