Words such as stepbrother, stepniece and stepparent appeared much later and do not have any particular connotation of bereavement.
In Germany, "The Giraffe" was released as "Meschugge"; the title comes from a German word that, like its familiar Yiddish cognate, means, roughly "nuts," and has no particular zoological connotation.
Among particular connotations:
Often the poet communicates emotionally by selecting words with particular connotations.
There is a thriving industry in constructing words without explicit meaning but with particular connotations for new products or companies.
The title 'organiser' was traditionally used in social work and voluntary service early in the century and had a particular connotation that is not helpful in today's environment.
It generally does not have the particular connotations of radicalism that the word carries in the United States, though it does not exclude them either.
The word generally has no particular ethnic connotations among the Dutch, but it is a racial slur amongst Surinamese of Indian and Indonesian heritage.
Although originally a Japanese word with no particular connotation, in Japan, it is now considered to be crude, and many Japanese people find this term offensive.
It has particular connotations as a route to reduce risks SFAIRP (so far as is reasonably practicable) in UK Health and Safety law.