But again, it doesn't suggest that he had any particular flair for this kind of songwriting.
The author, a former operative for the agency, knows his procedures well, and he writes clearly, if without any particular flair.
Instead, he said, they encourage "the voice that can hit all the notes and do what is supposed to be done," but without any particular flair, artistry or distinction.
The movie uses pop records to comment on the action and advance the story with a particular flair.
Boyce first learned to play the guitar as a young man, but he showed no particular flair for the instrument, nor an actual desire to become a performer.
Donal won three swift games; but oddly without showing any particular flair or brilliance.
Singapore has added its own particular flair to this process.
Shirley does have a particular flair for the deviled-crab casserole, though, even considering the tough acts she has had to follow.
That most essential and ubiquitous of accessories, the human arm, is being worn with particular flair this season by Jim Dale.
Most people played their institution's personality with diligence but no particular flair; sometimes, however, he met good actors in a role well-matched to them.