The Anti-Racist League was not of particular import to us so long as it was active in the original fifty states alone.
"Well, that particular import wouldn't be publicized, would it?"
But the vast experience, stability and guidance to young colleagues that Hastings can impart has to be of particular import to Scotland's 1993 efforts.
The quarterback protection will be of particular import today.
There are also three lessons of particular import for the West.
Little episodes of no particular import come and go...But the movie is too grotesque to be entered emotionally.
I found the selection of Hank Virgona's small still life paintings to be of particular import.
It struck me then, an interesting reflection without particular import, and I resolved in future not to be too insistent upon the truth of my own memories.
Import Alerts contain information given to the FDA district offices concerning new problems affecting particular imports.
His works on the history of the Egyptian community are of particular import.