He added, "At this particular juncture, it would not be constructive for me to comment on any questions about any discussions with the city."
"I'm afraid we can't allow you to interfere at this particular juncture."
It was not a coincidence that they chose to speak with me at this particular juncture.
"We might not use Andersen if that were our choice at this particular juncture."
He knew Judith was formed as well as any other female at that particular juncture.
Still, it was interesting that Valdez had retired at this particular juncture.
"His appearance here at this particular juncture is a most provocative datum," another pointed out.
At that particular juncture, only a couple of moves had been made.
"At this particular juncture, I think what you want is as much honest counsel as you can get."
At this particular juncture, therefore, we should not behave like Marie-Antoinette.