Positions other than standing are also used, in order to work on particular muscles and skills.
He feels that using those particular muscles while learning the language of that culture will create strong connotations in your mind and faster learning.
There are particular muscles which seem to carry most of the burden, and it can take several sessions to help them become relaxed.
To Margo, it looked awkward, as if Horlocker didn't use those particular muscles very often.
"Like trying to find a particular muscle that you've been using all your life but never by itself."
Given these facts, waiting more than 48 hours between bouts of training for a particular muscle is a waste of time.
Many people at some point experience spasm-like movements of particular muscles.
Muscle relaxation may be difficult especially after physical activity involving the particular muscle(s).
I didn't have any big pains in any particular muscles or parts of the body.
What they looked at is how those particular muscles were targeted during the squat movement and they used that as a comparison against these other movements.