These designs each represented features specific to that particular plane.
The Mustang's jetlike abilities were all the more remarkable given that this particular plane was built in 1944.
The call for making sure at least one pilot had extensive experience flying a particular plane was made as a strong recommendation, not a rule.
For instance, it said that if one pilot had less than 100 hours in a particular plane, the other should have more than 100.
Besides, this particular plane is not my world, either, though it resembles it more than do many.
When they arrived each anticipated seeking his particular plane.
And, since one had to play by the rules of a particular plane, then using smoke to fight smoke was certainly valid as a technique.
He made to move into one particular plane, but he was stopped.
On this particular plane, the distances are all calculated with reference to the three anchor biomorphs.
This line is shared by all of the cores in a particular plane, meaning that only one bit can be read (or written) at once.