Ideally, it should be checked prior to the first date, as there are no charges applied to any particular query.
All common measures described here assume a ground truth notion of relevancy: every document is known to be either relevant or non-relevant to a particular query.
These pull all the data required for a particular query to the node that receives the query.
It can also be used to "poison" the index of results Google serves up to particular queries.
In some cases, search engines will display links to news articles or movie listings in a special box, if the results are relevant to a particular query.
If you arrive with a particular query, chances are you will find an answer.
So in performing a particular query there are many ways of skinning a cat.
This information is used to determine if a file system object should be included in a result set for a particular query.
Two, no one's ever done a profile on him, so no one can say if any particular query is out of character.
All search engines, to varying degrees, analyze links in calculating the relevancy of a page for a particular query.