"Zetland: By a Character Witness" isn't a story at all but rather a sketch of a particular sensibility.
But pop culture has taken the pilgrimage and remade it to fit its particular sensibilities.
What he brings to those films, however, seems to be less a particular sensibility toward women than an ability to shape stories conceived by others.
Others, like Jon Kessler, who turned his slide into a work of kinetic art, have bent the format to their particular sensibilities.
All three Civic sedans have their merits and each appeals to particular sensibilities.
Ms. Narine has a particular sensibility to the blending of spices.
Each soap has its particular sensibility.
Perhaps my particular sensibilities made me react more violently to your article.
Nevertheless, these fans share a particular sensibility: many are working class, and their music of choice reflects their alienation.
Roth represents for me a particular sensibility - that is, of a certain kind of man of my parents' generation.