Evidently recent trapping in this particular slice of the Mode had not been good.
I'd happily watch a biographical prequel to this particular slice of life.
This particular slice of prime time doesn't even pretend to offer comforting reassurances.
My God, I know enough about that particular slice of life to get it right.
As usual, the museum seems to have sold a bit of its soul to deliver this particular slice of future shock.
It has people who love their particular slices.
Any listener's favorite would depend on taste and on the particular slice of the day.
However much local people may believe in their particular slice of paradise, destinations can price themselves out of the market.
"Most people who live here may know one particular slice of Washington, but very few people know how those pieces fit together."
Others find conversing in a common language essential to getting to know their hosts and their particular slice of French culture.