The team got back into the groove again with a second victory over the Rhinos, this time the passing game working perfectly with David Mullins a particular standout.
A particular standout is Seth Stewart, playing a sweet-hearted graffiti artist, who seems to have little springboards in his sneakers.
One particular standout is a Sonia Delaunay design, "Autumn," from about 1970.
This year, the New York City Ballet has two young dancers who are particular standouts.
The performance is apt and idiomatic, with the baritone Marcel Vanaud's serene performance of Christ a particular standout.
In a work that strives so earnestly for harmony among its musical, dramatic and design elements, no actor is a particular standout.
Until very recently, it pretty much skipped both coasts and many of the industries - defense and commercial real estate are particular standouts - that prospered in the early 1980's.
A particular standout: her lemon tart with a pistachio crust.
A particular standout is Jonathan Katz, who co-wrote the original story for "House of Games."
Although the rally here was broadly based - gainers swamped losers among the Standard & Poor's 500 by 420 to 14 - financial, oil and Internet-related stocks were particular standouts.