The descendants of this particular subspecies have been used in Central Park and worldwide to replace elm species destroyed by Dutch elm disease.
However, it should be noted that this particular subspecies (T. b. vilkinsonii) has no V mark on the head.
I am the only literary animal of my particular subspecies who has ever been given a degree by any college in any age of the world as far as I know.
Common names may also designate a particular subspecies.
Their large, sparkling, starburst flowers are pollinated by a great variety of insects (the generalist pollination syndrome), the floral scents are species-specific, and even specific to particular subspecies.
This particular subspecies ranks as the second largest cat in Costa Rica and can be found in various places and habitats.
This particular subspecies comes from Central America.
Because this particular subspecies is so well studied, the decline was quickly recognized, which led relatively quickly to its federally threatened status designation in 1987.
These, then, will have a lowered fitness than pure-bred individuals e.g. of a particular subspecies that has adapted to its local environment.
Adult females of the various subspecies, which grow larger than males, are not easily distinguishable from one another, and sometimes can only be assigned to a particular subspecies based on geography.