For instance, a particular plasmid may cause a change in an enzyme's amino acid sequence, which could increase its affinity for a particular substrate.
Very often shells of bivalves or smaller gastropods are used, depending on what is available on the particular substrate where the snail itself lives.
Affinity label is a molecule that is similar in structure to a particular substrate for a specific enzyme.
Each microorganism growing on a particular substrate has a maximum specific growth rate (μ) (the rate of growth observed if none of the nutrients are limiting).
Ribbed bog moss is primarily a groundlayer species, but it does not require a particular substrate to establish and grow.
The two most important kinetic properties of an enzyme are how quickly the enzyme becomes saturated with a particular substrate, and the maximum rate it can achieve.
Similarly, limitations of Cul1 function in other organisms also uncovered the disproportionate importance of particular substrates.
As the enzyme is specific to a particular substrate, more accurate results can be obtained.
Examinations of their stomach contents reveal a highly varied diet that depended on the particular substrate they are found on.
Furthermore, cyclin binding determines the specificity of the cyclin-CDK complex for particular substrates.