Even if the girl falls under no particular suspicion, she will be subject to a thousand questions.
Neither one of you is under any particular suspicion, but we have to make sure.
Paranoia was healthy, but he wouldn't like to report that particular suspicion to Marius.
You seem to have a particular suspicion of what's known in this country as book learnin'.
Not that Poirot inclined to that particular suspicion himself, but anything was possible.
This was the one place in the world where a kidnapped American raised no particular suspicion.
Here, however, after a long and very deliberate scrutiny, I saw nothing to excite particular suspicion.
It had nothing to do with any particular suspicions about Maxwell.
I see no reason to throw particular suspicion on people who request asylum on these specific grounds.
Finally, it can be noted that there is no particular suspicion regarding these measures, which confers further legitimacy on them.