The practice was defended with particular vigor by the President who had appointed Justice Powell, Richard Nixon, and his Attorney General, John Mitchell.
Small-scale producers of factory equipment, like boilers, fought with particular vigor, afraid that they might be wiped out by the superior quality and relatively low prices of the multinationals.
The Japanese rise to technical prominence can now be seen to have thrust forward with particular vigor during the 1980's.
American brewers, though, have embraced strong beers (or as brewers often call them, "big beers") with particular vigor.
Many of the refugees say that the restrictions on the number of children a family may have, now being enforced by the Chinese government with particular vigour, is the reason for their flight.
China and Japan, where fans enthusiastically mob British dart players for their autographs, have embraced the sport with particular vigor.
Stern recollected that he took his knife and fork to what was on his plate with particular vigor, chewing with bovine single-mindedness.
For the second two weeks of its life, the gene is busy indeed, activated with particular vigor in the optic lobes and the so-called mushroom bodies of the bee brain.
His fables are the first attempt in a genre that was destined to flourish in Russia with particular vigor.
He was reasonably well-fed, which made the curio-shop owners standing in the doorways of their establishments shout and wave with particular vigor as he walked past.