I could have passed my whole life with Miss Vulson, without forming a wish to quit her; but then, my satisfaction was attended with a pleasing serenity; and, in numerous companies, I was particularly charmed with her.
Con was particularly charmed by the graceful swimming of the plesiosaurs.
We were particularly charmed by the waterside residential neighborhood just south of the Klosteret square, with its narrow cobbled lanes, tiny wooden houses and ubiquitous window boxes.
I was particularly charmed by the idea of creating a cyberself who would shop tirelessly until hitting pay dirt.
She didn't appear particularly charmed, but neither did she appear completely immune.
One taster is particularly charmed by his chocolates.
The Lacu'teveras, the female co-ruler, had been particularly charmed, so much so that she had missed the presence of one of the little pests, which had bitten her.
He didn't feel particularly charmed.
The Old Man doesn't sound particularly charmed, thought Captain Sisko.
Some have been particularly charmed by anti-Felt grumblings from a couple of former convicts who had been Nixon functionaries, Charles W. Colson and G. Gordon Liddy.