Harrods bags are particularly cherished.
The idea has been known in Islam from earliest times, and was cherished particularly within the Hanbali school.
It is particularly cherished by fans of that album.
It is adorned with beautiful stained glass windows dedicated to various saints and devotions particularly cherished by Kaszubian Poles, with inscriptions in Polish.
Overwhelmed as he had been, he had still noticed that the welcome of the duglas had been as enthusiastic for the other three ambassadors as for him; and Maya had been particularly cherished.
As he places the varied genres of Sor Juana's writings in their intellectual and artistic contexts, Mr. Paz departs from the notion, particularly cherished by his countrymen, that Sor Juana was the herald of a kind of proto-Enlightenment in Mexico.
It is particularly cherished by devotees of cricket for its famous description of the village cricket match.
In 1995, the Legislature voted to severely curtail the board's powers; the board no longer has the power to edit textbooks, for example, a role particularly cherished by the social conservatives.
In Bath he was particularly cherished, becoming Mayor in 1796 and again in 1809, and sitting as Member of Parliament (MP) for the city from 1801 to 1808.
The song "Espadas y serpientes", written from the point of view of a jailed man giving hope to his girlfriend who's awaiting for him to be released, is particularly cherished by the fans and has become a live classic, and it can be considered Attaque's signature tune.