The raptor examined a particularly distasteful morsel of decayed rodent.
For him to be a part of the process was particularly distasteful, but he made no complaint.
Your presence is particularly distasteful, representing as you do a despotic, degrading, and antisocial culture.
The man's humor, even taking into consideration his life's passion for abstractions, struck me as particularly distasteful.
Napoleon Bonaparte found rape committed by soldiers particularly distasteful.
That led to a rumor that Mr. Weinstein found particularly distasteful.
A particularly distasteful example is presented by a case now in the English courts.
Finally, and perhaps of greater long term significance, such a system would moderate a particularly distasteful feature of our culture.
Such action becomes particularly distasteful when it is carried out by elected representatives.
It is illogic of a particularly distasteful kind, and frankly, I expected better of you people.