There is a particularly felicitous tavern scene featuring a Czech drinking song.
The musical, however, rings two significant changes on the screenplay - neither particularly felicitous.
The combination of richly flavored salmon and aromatic pesto is particularly felicitous.
Although not in the Bible, this has been praised as one of the film's particularly felicitous innovations.
A particularly felicitous choice was that of a little-recognized abstract painter named Julius Kramer.
The other old grads were watching with great smiles on their faces, laughing out loud at particularly felicitous spins and turns.
They were married in 1956 and enjoyed more than 40 years of what friends say was a particularly felicitous life together.
It is a classic component of many rice dishes and is particularly felicitous with seafood.
Unfortunately, the substitution entailed a dislocation in a particularly felicitous Mozart program.
Not a term I would use myself, since I do not find it particularly felicitous.