One of many works of art in the room, this piece is particularly fitting, for Leonard Lauder is trying to erase his company's image and start all over again.
The physical link to the past seemed particularly fitting Sunday, because Federer, at this stage of his phenomenal career, is getting more competition from the game's former greats than he is from his contemporaries.
The frontispiece to that Limited Edition appears to depict Mr Valiant-for-Truth from The Pilgrim's Progress as he is transported to Heaven - a particularly fitting subject given Walker's dedication.
Doreen Banks, the county's parks and recreation commissioner, said naming the park after Mr. Nickerson was particularly fitting because the parks system was a priority in his administration.
Moon's selection on the first ballot was particularly fitting, because it acknowledged his sensational career numbers.
Jehoshaphat means "Yahweh (or Jehovah) judges" and is therefore a particularly fitting designation.
It had been a matter of gathering necessary information while meting out justice in a particularly fitting and appropriate way.
"It's particularly fitting, in fact."
The production was seen as particularly fitting given that Gill founded the Riverside Studios in 1975, and that this would be the first Gill production at the theatre for 30 years.
It was Madonna tonight, particularly fitting since he'd thought Sophie Davis was a good woman.