Although not particularly fussy about which species of tree it eats, the Ugandan red colobus does have a preference for eating young leaves or the petioles of more mature leaves.
Neither he nor B'Elanna were particularly fussy eaters, so "cooking" was often a matter of juxtaposing items until they found two roughly compatible foods.
That's fine if you are not particularly fussy about your results.
On occasions however, some individuals that are particularly fussy about their food may require encouragement to maintain their appetite in a strange place.
I thought prisons would be immaculate, and that in the hospital wing they'd be particularly fussy.
The welding onRed Thunder's cradle was particularly fussy because of the exotic material we were using.
Gewürztraminer is particularly fussy about soil and climate.
Particularly fussy are the cool air-loving camellias and gardenias.
You want to find this killer fast, and you're not particularly fussy on how you do it.