Washes off really well too, as evidenced by the Gwar blood I was able to remove from it after a particularly gory show a few months ago.
Lori (Ms. Keena) has particularly gory visions, and she also has close brushes with Jason.
A onetime hunter and deep-sea fisherman, he became repelled, he said, by both pastimes after attending a particularly gory pigeon shoot.
Criminals use them when they want to do a particularly gory murder.
Although the details have been called into question by a few historians, his death may have been particularly gory.
A feature called "zed time" awards particularly gory kills, such as headshots, with slow-motion, even in multiplayer mode.
While in mist form, Kain moves silently, and is able to sneak up on and dispatch enemies with a particularly gory stealth attack.
It was a particularly gory murder.
Canadian broadcasters adopted the new code for much the same reason American broadcasters agreed last summer to put parental advisories on particularly gory programs: heavy political pressure.