And I believe that a particularly grotesque nexus of such unhappenings is trying to take up residence in our city today.
Flandry arched his brows, though he knew Tachwyr felt it was a particularly grotesque expression.
Together, the group summoned a particularly grotesque demon called Eyghon, who would eventually murder Randall.
The report described the crime as "a particularly grotesque killing that allegedly was followed by a 16-year-old girl's boast of having 'played' with the man's eyeballs."
When Dante wants to describe a particularly grotesque aspect, his language will match his subject.
The Minglepig, like a particularly grotesque parade float losing its air, flattened itself toward the ground, listening.
The concept of a monster able to steal someone else's identity that way is particularly grotesque.
I never found it particularly grotesque.
I was becoming fairly accustomed to viewing the dead, but this cadaver was particularly grotesque.
"They hit my groin repeatedly," he said, holding out a particularly grotesque photo.