His choice is the Korean box (Buxus microphylla Koreana), a plant that is particularly hardy.
Order roses, particularly hardy, disease-resistant varieties.
Because of the extreme weather conditions experienced on the moors, the Dartmoor is a particularly hardy breed with excellent stamina.
Adenoviruses, known to be particularly hardy, can survive long periods outside a host and are ubiquitous in humans and animals.
The Soays are particularly hardy and have been allowed to become pretty much feral.
As "Dark Days' introduces around a dozen people who have chosen to live underground, it is apparent that they are a particularly hardy breed of the dispossessed.
The Herdwicks, 75,000 of a national flock of 44 million, are a breed of particularly hardy sheep.
Papilloma virus is thought to be particularly hardy and the skin is its natural target.
Barley grows under cool conditions, but is not particularly winter hardy.
Many, but not all, JJHs are pointers and make excellent, if not particularly hardy, gun dogs.