Right now, Rozhenko wasn't particularly heartened by the knowledge that something a twenty-fourth-century human like Uncle Isaac could dismiss so easily was happening literally under his nose in the Klingon Empire.
Analysts were particularly heartened by the performance of Time Warner's cable division.
Economists were particularly heartened to see a 3.8 percent increase in orders for big-ticket capital goods excluding transportation and military equipment.
Analysts were particularly heartened by a 46.8 percent jump in new-home sales in the Northeast, to an annual rate of 69,000 units, where the industry has experienced its greatest weakness.
Mr. Sharpton said he was particularly heartened by what he interpreted as a recommendation by the commission that an independent prosecutor be named to pursue police brutality cases.
She could tell the woman was watching her, so perhaps she really did see everything, but Millie wasn't particularly heartened by the appellation "retarded."
Data was clearly not particularly heartened by this news, but he said, "Go on."
Kevin O'Donoghue, the copywriter who worked on the Irish Spring campaign, was particularly heartened.
Traders were particularly heartened by the fact that the market responded cautiously to the kind of news that earlier in the week might have precipitated heavy selling.
Shannon S. Cross of Merrill Lynch, who has a buy recommendation on the stock, seemed particularly heartened by the announcement.