They single out Islamist terrorism as particularly heinous.
Iavaroni is most likely to do it, and, occasionally, he will even take the side of an official when the coaches are reviewing a call they thought was particularly heinous.
At various times and places, individual murderers have been punished with impalement, either by prescribed law, or in cases regarded as particularly heinous.
Particularly heinous has been our immoral and illegal war against Nicaragua.
Rattop - A particularly heinous villain, with a mouse head (1944).
The IRB has made special mention of eye gouging, describing it as "particularly heinous".
He often cites Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics to support him even after a cop is shot or some other particularly heinous crime has occurred.
And this city has had a few particularly heinous, high-profile ones.
It asserts that there are groups so injured by being at society's margins that any further injury rising out of hatred is particularly heinous.
Was it particularly heinous?