He had cancer, a particularly insidious form known as multiple myeloma.
He characterized the thefts unveiled yesterday as particularly insidious because government employees, including a number from the welfare department, were involved.
The latter charge was particularly insidious, he said, because insurance companies are not rated for their first five years.
This is a particularly insidious element of this massive law.
These kinds of bugs are particularly insidious because they may only manifest themselves when the collector runs within a certain window of time.
Particularly insidious is the unobtrusive process of grooming for partnership, as revealed in the survey.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, cluster bombs are weapons of a particularly insidious kind.
Members of the clergy are victims of particularly insidious torture.
This one seemed particularly insidious, in view of the total possession the thing had of the boy's body.
Most of the pregnant women who died were healthy before they contracted the flu, so it feels particularly insidious and frightening.