I am particularly intrigued by the thought of getting married on the Internet.
But so far, the Yankees don't seem particularly intrigued by any one possibility.
They seemed particularly intrigued by Queens, because of its royal name and large size.
One man, with what she described as "hair down to his waist," particularly intrigued her.
Mish was particularly intrigued by what happened between men and women in the dark.
Investigators have been particularly intrigued by a 1996 memorandum found at the Democratic committee.
I am particularly intrigued by how the Commission considers bringing this about.
He was particularly intrigued with the possibility that a fresh water lake existed north of the town.
And he is particularly intrigued by what he calls the "democracy within each of us."
Matt is particularly intrigued by the closed nature of Wilbur trying to avoid it in any way.