The reviewer also praised the hacked contact lens plot device as being particularly inventive.
These books built Vinge's reputation as an author who would explore ideas to their logical conclusions in particularly inventive ways.
In the search for private time, working mothers seem to be particularly inventive.
While he was not particularly inventive, he never tired of describing the acts in which he would engage me.
State intervention exercised a particularly inventive influence on the development of the company.
As an alternative to his favorite trousers, he has offered Bermuda shorts, along with some short skirts that never seemed particularly inventive.
His answers were particularly inventive in test pieces he composed for two piano competitions.
The ways she introduces and shifts her corps dancers and soloists are particularly inventive.
In the fledgling personal computer industry, some of the tactics were particularly inventive.
Nor can I say he has produced a particularly inventive fable either.