Particularly irksome for Mexicans is Congress's decision last year to approve a 700-mile wall.
Particularly irksome is that these movies dare to show it done on American soil.
For states, like Tennessee and Utah, that have found a way to provide special driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, this change is particularly irksome.
A new charge that students seem to find particularly irksome is intended to cover the costs of their own commencement.
Well, actually, there are wrong-headed articles all over Upside magazine, but this one was particularly irksome.
She finds the inclusion of black walnut trees particularly irksome.
For local government, the division of responsibilities could become particularly irksome.
It is hardly surprising that the clearing banks found the use of both moral suasion and direct controls particularly irksome.
This image as a spoiler party is particularly irksome to Green leaders, who say it is false.
Small schools with a handful of teachers find budget-management particularly irksome.