ONE well-known newspaper gossip columnist was famous for the line she used after she exposed a particularly juicy morsel in her syndicated column, "Ear."
The country was never innocent, he asserted, and "Jack Kennedy was the mythological front man for a particularly juicy slice of our history."
Then her head thrust forward, like a bird darting at a particularly juicy worm.
This should make a particularly juicy tidbit for the news conference I" intend to hold immediately after I leave."
The film industry is a particularly juicy target.
He'd gotten into a fight with his sister, Splayfoot, over a particularly juicy dwarf willow he'd found.
In the early fall, mussels from the North Atlantic are particularly juicy, their brininess most pronounced.
She beamed at her husband, bravely facing the barrage of produce, and winced as a particularly juicy specimen caught him right on the chin.
"It's something you've never done," he whispers in the creepy, seductive tone of a camp counselor telling a particularly juicy ghost story over the fire.
"Ick," I said, examining a particularly juicy specimen, the size of a grape, nestling amid the soft cinnamon hair of Jamie's underarm.