The tasting room ritual is social, almost like a party with a particularly knowledgeable host.
The shops listed below will provide all your needed equipment, for sale and for rent, and the salesclerks are particularly knowledgeable about the area.
He is particularly knowledgeable when it comes to birds; he can identify any song or appearance.
Reuther was particularly knowledgeable about flight pioneer Amelia Earhart.
Coryn, who had never thought of himself as particularly knowledgeable in the ways of the world, was struck by her naivet'.
Both are very well acquainted with the area, but David is particularly knowledgeable, having lived in Buxton all his life.
He is particularly knowledgeable about Canada's Northwest Coast tribes.
Mr. Weiss portrays himself as not particularly knowledgeable about wine, though readers may suspect he knows more than he's telling.
Patrick was particularly knowledgeable about logistics, supply, and the evaluation of the competence of his superior officers.
In addition, she says, the guidance counselors are particularly knowledgeable about schools between Maine and Virginia, the region of most interest to students.