I particularly loathed all the teen angst in that book - I was glad to see a lot of that cut or minimized in the movie.
The Northern Alliance, which took this area from the Taliban last week, particularly loathes those foreign volunteers.
What I loathed particularly was his lisp.
Most of them were Roman Catholics, a group Brace particularly loathed, as he made clear in his own writing.
Geshtai particularly loathes him.
He further states that Brace "particularly loathed" Roman Catholics because they were "genetically inferior."
There was a large bottle of patchouli, a scent Margery particularly loathed, lying unopened.
Pelor particularly loathes Tharizdun, having played a role in the Dark God's imprisonment, and Nerull.
Particularly loathed was the case of line , which was serviced by the nearly 40-year-old series 300 and 1000 from CAF.