She looked at him as if he were a particularly loathsome form of excrement she'd found on the bottom of her shoe.
There is one particularly loathsome specimen of a selfish and self-absorbed husband in a story called "The Trap."
The strike against Alma Powell was particularly loathsome.
Particularly loathsome at the time to the Assistant Attorney General were those who eagerly joined in the call for removal.
Magical realism, with its reckless, childish inventions, is particularly loathsome to him.
This is a particularly loathsome offense to devout Muslims.
This one, the River Master thought darkly, was particularly loathsome.
Zachary's hard eyes considered the bureaucrat as if she were inspecting some particularly loathsome bacterium.
But this attempt at revenge by a tyrant, against the leader of the world coalition that defeated him in war, is particularly loathsome and cowardly.