Those with particularly observant eyes may note one important point: Tulips must be planted in mass to offer a great show.
He had none of the equipment of a detective, neither being particularly observant nor having any great insight into the psychology of small boys.
That Mr. Buzzi has done a little bit of everything in his lifetime makes him a particularly observant and voracious traveler.
It was much too early for him to go to bed, but even Berenice, who was not particularly observant, became aware of the old painter's restlessness.
None of the three was particularly observant, none apparently much interested in his or her fellow human beings.
His old family had never been particularly observant, so he hadn't felt too bereft by his abandonment of his religion.
Forget that the family is not particularly observant.
That bunch isn't particularly observant when it comes to spotting anything new or unexpected.
This suggests that either the artists did not visit the habitat of the subject, or, if they did, that they were not particularly observant.
Be particularly observant whenever Ransdale leaves his place.