The situation is particularly precarious for new designers.
But for Saks today, under new and very bottom-line-oriented management, that balancing act has turned particularly precarious.
And it is happening at a particularly precarious moment, when many hospitals are cutting back on services as they struggle to survive the changing economics of health care.
This puts Mr. Rubin in a particularly precarious position at the meeting on Saturday.
When considering the merit of this argument, one does have to bear in mind the particularly precarious nature of the Southern protestant grouping.
Now they had come to a particularly precarious point upon the mountainside.
Mr. Grossman declined to specify which states and localities might be in particularly precarious shape.
The security situation has become particularly precarious.
In fact, Mr. Barbuto, 42, is in a particularly precarious position.
With the UK economy in a particularly precarious state at the moment, things could get worse before they get better.