In such a case, it makes no sense to duplicate coverage when we've got nothing particularly pressing to add.
This need is particularly pressing in third world countries, where demographics and economics make drug therapy difficult to deliver.
The issue is particularly pressing for community and technical colleges, which rely heavily on foreign students because they pay higher tuition.
He was particularly pressing for full details of what the Giants had said to each other.
It's worth thinking about, and out in California, with the earthquakes, the situation is particularly pressing.
Questions of pollution control and industrial responsiveness to environmental threat have become particularly pressing in recent years.
The family's economic need is particularly pressing at a time of inflation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will touch on one more aspect of the report which is, in my view, particularly pressing.
This requirement is particularly pressing in view of the ongoing financial crisis, which has had serious repercussions on the European car industry so far.
These fears are particularly pressing when the wood is for an interior application.