Eli resonated particularly to the ways the Museum demonstrates the vitality, beauty and wisdom of the Jewish heritage.
It resonated particularly with one recent guest who had lost her daughter and the daughter's fiancé and a son-in-law on Sept. 11, 2001.
These issues particularly resonated with women.
"For some people that doesn't particularly resonate, but for us it does."
"What Dan chose to collect - and actually, I do, too - was in a field that didn't particularly resonate with people."
But the show may resonate particularly well now.
But it is Faulkner's views on modernity, and its relentless attack on traditional communities, that particularly resonate today.
And the first poster pointing out that people don't call in on their friends/family any more, simply text (not even a 'phone call) particularly resonates.
If a guest does not wish to speak, they may drink from their glass after some words that particularly resonate for him or her.
Her advisers believe that her agenda and message will particularly resonate with this group.