"The Boy From Oz" was particularly revolting.
There is nothing particularly revolting in the thought of being eaten; the disadvantage of it lies in the fact that one must die first.
Particularly revolting is the mental image of Mr. Horowitz "squeezing back tears" at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
His hands were extremely long fingered and slender: the kind of hands that, in a man, have always impressed me as being particularly revolting, almo.
This gives his musings on such topics as "Muslim vaginas" a particularly revolting edge.
But there is something particularly revolting about the idea of 20,000 people crammed into Berlin's Sportpalast one night in 1938 bellowing "Fhrer command, we will follow!"
And what I find particularly revolting is that in your heart of hearts you believe that the end justifies the means.
If they feel particularly revolting, they might skip classes or work, or they may permanently remain within their homes to avoid anyone's glance.
I'd always found putting my head underwater to be particularly revolting.