The tour from the Dolomites is particularly scenic: soaring mountains give way to enormous glaciers.
The line is particularly scenic, and comprised several steel bridges and some significant engineering works.
This site is accessed by a short and narrow road and the view from the top of the hill is particularly scenic.
The entire area appears to have been heavily burned over and logged in the past and is not particularly scenic by usual standards.
The campus is noted for being particularly scenic and well-landscaped.
The West End is particularly scenic, with exotic plants, dense trees and a hint of jasmine in the air.
Considered particularly scenic is Black Pond, located on the northwest side of the mountain.
The road route is particularly scenic, offering views of Sülüngür Lake.
The woman, who clearly had nothing else to do, provided one and spent a good deal of time pointing out particularly scenic trails.
Particularly scenic are the foothills of the Eggegebirge.