For many Japanese, the contrasts seem particularly stark not only in the gun closet but also in the courtroom.
The equity issue is particularly stark in Westchester.
However, they do pose the problem in a particularly stark way, for the following reasons:
It illustrated, in particularly stark form, the political strategy of the Bush administration before Sept. 11.
The shift is particularly stark because Democrats themselves seem unsure about how much to press for environmental causes they have long supported.
"The disconnect between pay and performance is particularly stark" at these companies, the study noted.
The trends are particularly stark in Germany, Europe's biggest economy and most powerful exporter.
The contrast with the mid-1970's, when New York laid off thousands of workers as it struggled to avoid bankruptcy, is particularly stark.
The medical needs of an aging population make the nursing situation seem particularly stark.
The difference in Marcos's account of discussions on that issue was particularly stark.