"Fire on the Rim" is particularly timely, as society becomes more aware of the great value of its forests and the role forest fires play.
The question is particularly timely with the onset next weekend of an important Shiite holy period.
Every year, the third edition includes a series of student notes that survey a particularly timely issue relating to business law.
This article is particularly timely when we have people rioting because they cannot afford expensive designer consumables.
The early wickets that came Illingworth's way this season must have been particularly timely to boost the morale.
In my opinion, the Lamassoure report is particularly timely for this very reason.
The report that we are debating today is a particularly timely contribution to the work on which the Commission will base its proposals.
The disruptions in gas supply in recent weeks have made certain points of the proposal particularly timely.
This is particularly timely given the emphasis of territorial employment pacts in the Commission proposals.