At one place along its length a bridge spanned a particularly treacherous gap in the rock.
Jordanian roads are particularly treacherous during the rainy season, which runs from December to March.
And then she told of the particularly treacherous winter that they had had to endure.
The road curves to the southeast (to face the rising sun) and narrows considerably at that point, making the terrain particularly treacherous.
I have tried to explain that in Claudia's case memory is particularly treacherous, but Letterman likes the idea of ambiguity.
Bad weather made the downgrade trip particularly treacherous.
Kellen knew from his experience today that that sort of terrain was particularly treacherous.
"The drive across the West is particularly treacherous," Atropos said.
And while translating campaign promises into programs is always hard, "the third way" is proving particularly treacherous.
Conditions are particularly treacherous in spring due to the risk of avalanches and landslides.