During times of conflict, opposition has been particularly vehement as people are more likely to call on the supernatural realm.
Sometimes this label is applied to criticisms that are not particularly vehement nor even inappropriate.
Strahan was particularly vehement in his assessment of how things were going, pushing aside any sense of disappointment.
In early seasons they are particularly vehement about keeping "hard" drugs, and drug dealers, out of Charming.
The Campbells were married in the building last month, and Mr. Campbell was particularly vehement about the community's virtue.
One particularly vehement Singaporean economist looked me in the eye, smiled, and said, "Yes."
The right-leaning liberals were particularly vehement about that.
De Cardenal was particularly vehement in responding in print to her opponents.
A particularly vehement gust brought slates rattling off the roof like gunshots.
Barak had been particularly vehement in his objections.